Monday 18 July 2011

Resonance: The Interpreter's House

"Resonance is the vision of SR Partners; a collaborative project with over 30 independent visual and audio designers / studios. The aim was to explore the relationship between geometry and audio in unique ways. Animators and Audio Designers were paired up at the beginning of the project and were given the guidelines to create a piece between 12 and 20, I had the awesome opportunity to work with David Kamp. This piece is my approach to the connection between audio and shapes, I tried to give this abstract animation a certain type of emotion, that every movement happening on screen would be more than the sole propose of look cool and sync to the sound, to do this I based this video on a section of John Bunyan's "The Pilgrim's Progress", when Christian is guided trough the Interpreters House. It's a very personal, graphic and non-descriptive explanation of this part of one of my favorite books It's intended more to help me as the animator to give some meaning to the animation rather than narrate the story."

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